Let it never be said that The Directrice starts things that she can’t finish! Returning to our ambitious study, Sweaters of Substance, I present a very old sweater that you could replicate today.
I would need access to carbon-dating equipment to confirm the age of this sweater, but I believe that it was made sometime between 2003 and 2005 A.D. — a period now-referred to as Mid-Level Associate.
You could make a sweater like this starting with any asymmetrical cardigan and a trip to the button jar.*
This sweater may be my favorite. And how could it not be?
FuN bUTtonS!

During the post-holiday sales, I bought a new bag from Orla Kiely.
This one is leather, but weighs nothing. It is so light that I almost don’t believe that it is leather, but why would Orla Kiely say that it was if it wasn’t?

In addition to the great graphic of this black and white print, I loved the other details: a tiny exterior pocket (for cyanide pills?) and the pop art flower hang-tag, which, unlike the pocket, is purely decorative.
Here is a better view of the details.
In addition to being large and light, it’s patent leather. That’s a trifecta. Rightly or wrongly, I believe that patent leather does well in the rain and that makes it very practical in my book.
Sweater: Garnet Hill; Blouse: Talbots; Pants: Ann Taylor; Bag: Orla Kiely
* Sharla has a button box, but I have a button jar. Button jars, plural. How about the rest of you? As a child, I loved looking at and, periodically, dumping out and examining the contents of my mother’s button jar. Who wouldn’t? It may be that a trip to the notions store would be required to create a sweater like this — to obtain just the right diversity of color/size/style — but that’s fun, too. You might have to adjust the size of buttonholes (very carefully), but knits are very forgiving; a little stretching might do the trick.
I would save the sweater too if all else had been out. You have several I would reach for along with this one. The handbag has a big springtime role ahead. Always like patent leather. I need to push the Reset Button on my handbags!
Was just talking about button collections with my aunt, who at almost-80 is still eager to take on our mending projects, bless her heart! She fixed a button on husband’s coat this weekend. Perhaps next time we visit I will have her swap out his coat buttons for ones like those on your sweater. I’m sure he’d love that!
My home flooded during my first year of seminary (years ago), and I did indeed carry a cat out in a bag. Your purchase strikes me as quite practical.
You didn’t point it out, but your shoes are the perfect pair for this outfit, what with the way they echo the white stripes of shirt peeking out from the sweater. Love it.
Good point!
Love the sweater – it’s perfect for the kindergarten classroom I frequent due to learning the names of the very best colors! And your comment about the handy pocket on your bag and its proposed purpose made me laugh. out. loud. You have just a touch of the macabre about you… I’m such a fan!
Definitely cyanide pills. What a playful sweater! And from Garnet Hill, no less.