I’ve published a few posts devoted to “the little things” — the small details that complete — nay, elevate — an outfit from good to great. Or perhaps even from great to sublime.
In recognition of how small my world has become in the last year, today I am initiating a series of posts devoted to really little things . . . which we will call sub-atomic details. These are details so small that they almost require special equipment to see them.
Can you spot the sub-atomic finishing touch in this outfit?
Who guessed the striped sleeves showing below the cuffs of my jacket?
Who guessed the echo between the stripes and the sneakers?
You both get a prize!*
I showed you this wonderful $30/$1890 jacket several weeks ago. I am glad (but also a little sad) to report that the reference to “Perth” on the invoice was a reference to Perth Amboy, New Jersey — not Perth, Western Australia.
This jacket recently made an unaccompanied trip to Fatima. It was a little big at the neckline — an issue that I intended to remedy by simply moving the top button (or top two buttons) a little off center. That is the Slovenly Housekeeper’s Tricky-Quicky Fix. But that is not the Fatima Way.
I pinned the jacket as instructed down the back center seam, mailed it to Fatima, she sewed it and mailed it back to me — et voila, now it is perfect.
Do you see the sub-atomic detail in this outfit?
Again, it is all in the layer showing at the cuffs . . . and a little at the neckline. I am wearing one of my favorite sweaters under the jacket to thrill viewers with just a bit of zebra.
Of course, it’s questionable whether and how much my wrists show on Zoom. If they do, they are in motion. But it’s the thought that counts.

* The prize is the satisfaction of being correct.
Directrice, you are an artist!
Hello! I noticed an additional clever detail in the first outfit with the little purse !!!
Me, too!
isn’t it just a face mask?
A tip that can work for readers of all stripes.
I will show myself out.
The alternating pattern of the black and white design at the collar and the wrist.
I made a sub-atomic statement the other day, although I didn’t know it was called that. Thinking of The Directrice, I buttoned up my delicate floral blouse all the way–It has a stand up collar with a tiny ruffle- and pulled a neutral, semi-rugged sweater over it. Then went to class on Zoom.
I’m feeling this sub-atomic idea… now I’m looking at collars/cuffs/shoe details in a whole new way. #advancedsartorialskills
I agree it’s the sub atomic details that count. The stripes make the ensemble. I anticipate that one of the posts will be on the importance of alterations and tweaks to get the fit perfect.
The black bracelet even has a hint of zebra mane about it! Sub-sub-atomic?
Wonderful outfit! Clever, nuanced, fun.
I love both of these outfits.