
What’s the easiest summer outfit?

A denim skirt and a white blouse, bien sur.
Easy does it
Easy does it

Are you talkin' to me?
You talkin’ to me? Well I’m the only one here
The Photographer just told me to stand up straight.
I aM StANdinG UP sTRaiGHt!

Here is more up-straight standing.
Note: When I first showed you these sandals, I said that the platforms were wrapped in white leather. I was wrong. The platforms are not textile-covered. I’m looking at them and touching them, and I don’t know what they are made of. Plaster of Paris? Generic, non-specific SuBStAnCE? Whatever it is, it’s light as a feather.
Note the straightness
Note the straightness

The little things
It’s the little things that make the blouse
This blouse is old, and therefore shown purely for illustrative purposes.
As much as I love white blouses, I rarely will pay full-price for one, because they are so easily (predictably) ruined. Deodorant, chocolate, coffee, sunscreen. Say what you will about diet soda; Coke never ruined anything of mine.
Now is a good time to be looking for a great blouse on sale.

Cummerbund (sort of)
Square knot
Square knot

And here are some charming denim skirts, also on sale.
Free People Just A Dream Skirt from Shopbop
Free People Just A Dream Skirt

Have a fantastic weekend!
Blouse: Marc by Marc Jacobs; Skirt: Eileen Fisher; Shoes: Giuliana Sandals from Sundance; Bag: Coach Poppy Tote; Bracelet; Dina Mackney

10 thoughts on “Summertime”

  1. Your blouse is exquisite! If you are interested in non-staining deodorant, my experience of the mineral salt ones (that are just a block of salt that must be wetted to be applied) is spotless in that regard (as well as being highly satisfactory otherwise).

  2. Gadfry, the things in your closet continue to surprise and please. The blouse just does it for me while the handbag makes me want a clever tote too. Kate


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