About this Blog

So much advice on the Internet, offered from so many diverse and personal views for free. It’s all there — how to open a jar when you only have one arm, put English on your cue ball, disassemble a Bose stereo — and it affirms my faith in humanity on a daily basis.

I follow a number of style bloggers, and greatly enjoy their glamorous chronicles. But I haven’t found a blog that speaks in a personal way directly to my demographic — women of a certain age, who work in the staid professions,[1] and are interested in looking a little interesting. Admittedly, my search has not been exhaustive, but rather than continue to look, I thought I would instead attempt to fill this tiny hole on the World Wide Web and started this blog in February 2015.

Here is what I am offering:

  • ideas about how to pull together, and vary, outfits;
  • ideas about how you can re-fashion things you already own to get more use out of them;
  • ideas about how you can alter your clothes to achieve better fit, customize your clothes, or fulfill an aesthetic vision of your own;
  • suggestions for building a wardrobe over time;
  • recommendations of designers, manufacturers, retailers in case you have an idea about what you’d like to wear, but don’t know where to find it;
  • and, since I have a platform, my opinions about style, social trends, and perhaps occasionally a book or movie.

And when I run out of things to say,[2] I can always turn this site into a shrine to my cats.

The photographs are taken with a Sony Alpha a6500 DSLR. Outdoors, The Photographer uses a 50mm f/1.8 lens or a 35mm Distagon f/1.4, both by Sony. Indoors, he uses either the Distagon or a Sony 24mm f/1.8 lens, sometimes with off-camera flash. Postprocessing is done with Lightroom.

With most of the photos, you can click to see the full-sized versions of them (which are often much clearer and crisper.)

At one time, The Directrice was updated three times per week. Then we scaled back to Monday and Thursday mornings. And during the pandemic the schedule became very erratic. Now, I aim for weekly and I often fall short. If you have complaints about the scarcity of content and the unpredictability of posts, you can send them to the Directrice Global Industries, Ltd. (a wholly owned subsidiary of DGI Holding Inc.) c/o our registered agent CT Corporation.

Meet Our Team

The Directrice
The Photographer
Our General Counsel

Our unpaid interns

Accessories Editor

Our Digital Media and Crisis Management Team

Remember: We all love to instruct, though we can teach only what is not worth knowing.