In this post, two pandemic conditions are going to join forces and create a sartorial rogue wave.
Condition 1: I am not myself. Suddenly, all I want is pattern.
Condition 2: Dressing for Zoom is a thing. No one can appreciate a beautifully cut dress on Zoom. It’s all about color and activity compressed into a frame that includes only the head, neck, and shoulders.
Think of those conditions as aberrant currents chasing one another toward a regular wave pattern. What result? They will create an enormous rogue wave.
How did this come to be?
I saw a photo of an off-duty model wearing a Dries Van Noten brocade patchwork jacket and said to m’self, “Me want!”
Seeing this photo, without more, might have ended with just a pocketful of longing.
But within weeks of seeing this photo, something else happened.
The RealReal sent me a $50 gift certificate, just to thank me for being a good customer.*
It was a sign.

I found this slightly ludicrous but rather wonderful Escada jacket for $46. A corroborating sign.
I feel quite confident that the jacket was not intended for wear with sloppy khakis,+ an industrial webbing belt, and sneakers . . . but I think we can all agree that it is perfect for such use. Indeed, I think it looks much better with these companions than it would look with a sheath style dress and heels.
Come closer and take a look at the fabric, which I really love.

Although I am wearing this jacket belted, it has a shapely silhouette without a belt. The back is partially elasticized and a little elastic is used to shape these pockets as well.
Lifting the jacket into the Zoom Hall of Fame is one of the patterned shirts my mother gave me many years ago. Just right for keeping a pack of Zoombies awake for a long meeting.
And speaking of Zoom, should I call a Zoom meeting of The Directorate? If you’d like to participate later this month, post a comment below indicating your interest. It occurred to me during one of my walks this weekend that I could meet some far-away readers in Canada (Shopgrrrl!), California (Wendy!), Oregon (Sharla!), the Southwest (Rhizophora!), Sydney (Justine!), and Tasmania (Katie!) as well as see D.C.-area faces on Zoom. Not sure why it’s taken me 12 months to think of this . . .
* I would like to think that the gift was bestowed in recognition of my good taste — the quality and diversity of my selections — and not because I have hit some appalling threshold of spending.
+ These pants are so wrinkled after a day (maybe two?) of working from home. Am I the most disgraceful thing on the Internet? Or do I get points for my authenticity?
Count me in as a zombie!
Can invisible but faithful lurkers join?
Of course you can!
Yes yes yes! I must start planning a bust-that’s the head, you know—now!
I’m in for a zoom meeting! Now what to wear??
I would love to participate in a Zoom if it’s Europe-friendly.
I love your jacket and blouse — they are great together! And I appreciate the CLE credit for pattern mixing. I would be interested in participating in a Zoom meeting of the Directorate. (I’m in California.)
Upon reading this post, foremost in my mind is — How in the world does the Directrice find such gems online? I know you’ve posted about this before but the world has changed, please, please share your secrets!
a zoom sounds delightful!
I love love love this jacket. Pink and orange together remind me of India, very Rajasthan, and I love it. The zoom is a wonderful idea!
Love both Jackets. I like the line of the first better, but really like the fabric on both. Thanks for bringing them to our attention. . .
That jacket is fabulous. With the blouse, it’s heavenly. I award you extra CLE credit for this master class. I echo Rhizophora’s plea for help finding good things online.
Not sure I’d participate in a Zoom call; I’ve had more than my share in the past year. Even fun meetings feel like a chore.
I check on the Directrice for the first time in months and what do I see??? I had to recheck the url after seeing all that pattern! I love those colors together and I love the pattern and you DO get authenticity points for your authenticity, but also for your care in marking the second footnote with a different symbol. Win win win!
LOVE this shirt and jacket combo. Not my colors, but my mix-n-match vibe for sure, even though I’ve been sticking with solids for this Year of Zoom. And black. Way too much black. Maybe a Zoom with you and your gang would shake me out of my doldrums?
Hmm, I was just saying on Meet the other day that I was craving patterns but didn’t think I could make it work. Teach me. Yes, please, to Zoom.
Count me in on a Zoom! Signed, Felicia of the Marni Bag from DC Craft Show.
Felicia! SO nice to hear from you! I wondered after we met at the Craft Show if I was such a disappointment (in person) that you stopped reading the blog. Look forward to seeing you again, soon.
I’m in for the zoom! Perhaps you could share your screen and help us all shop online!
I’d love to join the Zoom! Timezone-wise I’m an hour behind you, here in Mexico.
YES PLEASE! To everything; the jacket, the shirt, the running shoes and to THE ZOOM!
I’m in!!
Delightful color and pattern combination . Jacket and blouse and sneakers work beautifully together and the pants are just fine.
Dear Directrice, I would be honoured to attend the inaugural online meeting of the Directorate, if my Tasmanian time zone plays nicely with everyone else’s. But I may end up staring at you with great satisfaction that I am finally seeing you live! You are the point around which we have all gathered and we may expect you to entertain us!
I hope that 8:30 p.m. EDT in the United States will enable you to to join, Katie!
Yes! A Zoom! My office is strictly cameras-off, so I have no Zoom tops…but I can find something for the occasion!!
Jeffiner — Are you in Canada? Or the mid-Atlantic? I may have you confused with Shopgrrrl. This blog was originally supported by a program that showed me the flags and states/cities of all visitors, but at some point I switched to a different analytics program and all the flags disappeared. It’s not nearly so fun and I never look at my visitor log anymore.
Haha – I am in Texas, although I typically read your blog while I’m at work (sshhhhh!) and the company is based in Maryland. I thought our servers were in Colorado, though…suddenly I feel like a character in a movie hiding behind several Internet proxies or firewalls or whatever they are called.
I’m interested in a zoom meeting! I’d love to meet you! I haven’t a brooch to wear, but will otherwise try to comply with any dress code for the occasion 🙂 I hope your cats will grace us with their presence as well.
Shopgrrrl from Canada here, late as usual, but here! This jacket is completely amazing, one of my all-time favourite colour combos! I’m looking forward to Zooming in with the Directorate!
I just found you, but I’d like to join.
How did you find us, Jamie? I am always so curious.
Love that jacket – such rich detail and color! And would be interested in a zoom! am in EDT – in Michigan.
Oh, yes indeed. Name a day. I couldn’t do a Sunday, but anything else I can swing
I misread the first sentence as “post pandemic conditions” and was so happy for a moment—and then I might have become sad, but who could be sad looking at those colors and that pattern? As a former phone psychic, I can confirm: the gift card was definitely a sign. (Also love the elastic pockets.)