Constructive Fridays

If I am only going to the office two days a week, does that make the second day a constructive Friday? For denim purposes?

The question is somewhat academic regarding jeans because . . . my jeans are a little tight right now. I gained a few pounds during Year 2 of the pandemic — no one knows why — and we’ll have to see if it’s a life-change (menopause) or just too many sweets.*

I was discussing post-pandemic wardrobe with a colleague and speculated that since I’ve been working out with a trainer for eight months, surely some of the weight gain — maybe 2 lbs. — was muscle? And she said, without missing a beat, “That’s science!” That is a great colleague.



But the question isn’t academic solely because my jeans are too tight.

The question is academic because denim — denim jackets, shirts, skirts — are right everyday. Denim is life.

I saw this headline — “Can You Be Too Old For A Denim Jacket?” — on the New York Times website a few weeks ago and shouted, “Are you insane?” at my laptop.

Vanessa Friedman said that one is never too old for a denim jacket, but I think it was misleading and ill-advised to even print the query.

The better query is, “How many denim jackets are too many?”

Would anyone like to offer an answer?

That’s right. Mathematicians haven’t counted high enough for us to have an answer. For now, Graham’s Number will do.

I found this denim jacket on The RealReal and thought it might be a fun addition to The Directrice denim jacket collection. It’s like a reverse dip-dye (dip-bleach) that is slightly unnerving. When I wear it, I look like I am disappearing.

Midsection gone!

Orange patent-leather briefcase is not on anyone’s 10 Wardrobe Essentials, but perhaps it should be; think about it

I have all sorts of odd treasures that I’ve been accumulating over the last 24 months. Such things as this orange patent-leather briefcase.

One of our neighbors passed by while we were taking pictures. She and I laughed at the bag, but as she walked away she said, “You’re almost making it look like a necessity.”

Here is what the Disappearing Jacket and Essential Bag look like when rushing The Photographer.

Pushing off my back foot while he adjusts his settings
Realizing I have no real plan
We’ll just call it a close-up

Come closer and take note of the details.

The disappearing forearms were particularly unnerving, so I rolled the sleeves to create folds and shadows

So much loving of you

And the bag. So much to love here. Or as I say to Mr. Orange, “So much loving of you.”

I justified this purchase — Sonia Rykiel from The RealReal — because it was very inexpensive and the bag is as slim as a redweld of papers and thus fits easily on a shelf in the closet.

Interestingly, the bag holds all of my work necessities perfectly — perhaps because it is divided into two rectangular compartments that are each approximately 12″ long, 10″ deep, and 2″ wide. Everything is visible+ and stays in place. Keys go in one front pocket and lipstick in the other.
Final piece of awesome: navy Lucite handles, black cross-body strap

We have no winner of the Keynote Address right-of-first-refusal. Obviously, I need to improve the indexing system of this blog to include named garments like “James Webb Teleskirt,” “Trojan Cupcake” and “Flamenco Life-Vest.”

Flamenco Life-Vest seemed like the right choice for my first concert in two years.

I went, I listened, I conquered
Without apology
No apologies!

* We do know the cause. It’s sweets and I regret nothing.

+ I am now carrying FOUR pairs of glasses: reading glasses, back-up reading glasses, driving glasses (just in case I need to take the wheel . . . on Metro), and sunglasses.

10 thoughts on “Constructive Fridays”

  1. If one must carry a briefcase, orange patent leather is the only possible choice.

    The jacket is outstanding – may I ask the brand?

  2. The jacket is unnerving yet amazing. I love how you styled it with the white shirt poking out beneath to extend your invisibility 🙂

    • I do find the jacket unnerving! It’s like Tory’s midriff just disappeared. I think Tory specializes in clothes that give the viewer (as she would put it) “something to think about.”

      • The extended time spent at home with you must have agreed with the directrice. She’s glowing with happiness!

  3. Two things I resisted for a long time because they were too old-lady and/or geeky – progressive lenses, and self darkening lenses.

    I finally bought a three-in-one pair at Warby Parker, where they sell frames cool enough to make me feel like it wasn’t a “giving up” moment, and now I only have to carry my sunglasses (because self darkening lenses do not darken in a car with UV protected windows)

  4. Ack! I was so sure the quiz question was a dress! There shows my bias. And you’re right – we haven’t seen that article of clothing in a long while. What a cute “going out” outfit.

    Denim is quite a staple here in the Pacific NW – I see it everywhere mixed in with business casual. What if you wore your new jacket with your dip bleached dress? I might be imagining you have one… but I’m fairly sure you do.

  5. Thank you for alerting The Directorate to the existence of a patent orange briefcase! It *is* a necessity, no “almost” about it. This was a far more informative post than the Times article on denim jackets, which didn’t really provide any insights. As to the question of upper limits on numbers of denim jackets, I agree that this must remain strictly academic, something for the mathies to ponder. I’m just happy that denim jacket weather has finally arrived after an unseasonably chilly April which featured snow on no less than 4 occasions.


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