Marissa Webb makes very pretty lace blouses that are styled with matching leather obi styled belts. It might sound odd, but the combination is very effective.
I’ve wanted a red one for some time and when it appeared in the post-holiday warehouse sale, I convinced myself that I should buy the blouse only and pair it with my red CGI belt.
This was a great idea, but unfortunately the CGI belt was both the wrong shade and the wrong color value and looked terrible with the blouse.
Fortunately, the CGI belt is not my only red belt.

There was more to the idea than the CGI belt. I thought it would be fun to pair the lively red lace with a worky jacket.
I thought this was a very nice look for Casual Friday or, if I could bestir myself to leave the house before noon on the weekend, brunch.
The Photographer, however, raised an objection. “It looks like you aren’t wearing anything underneath a see-through top,” he said.
Are you insane? I cried. I am wearing a camisole.*
The camisole, however, is a light tan color intended to disappear beneath a white blouse because it matches my skin tone. Hmmmmm. Perhaps this was a mistake.
Now I am on the hunt for a red camisole.
Come closer and see the pretty lace. It has body to it. No wilting lace, this.
Have a fantastic weekend! Get out there and get yourself some brunch. And take a minute to add your Home Ec adventures/misadventures to Monday;s post. I love reading them.
Blouse; Marissa Webb; Belt: from YOOX; Jacket: Nanette Lepore; Jeans: JCrew
* This makes me think of Raising Arizona. When Nathan Jr. is abducted, the police ask his father if the infant was wearing anything more than a diaper when he was taken. Nathan Sr. booms, “No one sleeps nude in this house!”
This look is, in fact, Very Effective. I love it!
A surprisingly interesting and attractive outfit.
With regard to The Photographer’s concern: I like the look of the camisole. I think most women would know that there is a flesh-colored garment underneath, but perhaps many men would not. And perhaps that is where the problem lies — if you find too many men staring at your shirt (“my eyes are up here, Michael”), go with a red one.
Darling outfit and the belt works in my estimation as well as the camisole. Get red if you like but it truly rocks. More color as winter has its dark days!
Did you try it with the red belt on the outside of the jacket? You always employ that arrangement effectively.
If a visible cami really is necessary to avoid spooking your viewers, why not have fun with a colour ? Virtually any shade of blue would work with that top and those jeans.
The problem with a red camisole is that it would remove the “lace” effect. Perhaps a different color somehow? Match the jacket? Tank instead of cami?
Maybe the red cami for Casual Friday and the nude for Brunch Sunday?
I’ve tried the Obi belt a couple of different times and I am sticking with a buckled belt. The tie business shifts around and I don’t need a big knot across my tummy anyway.
I did have one wrappy sash-type belt that worked and that was because I gave up and tied it in the back, which gave me a clean line in front. It wasn’t leather so I pinned the thing in place and it stayed put.
I’d probably use the red lace as a layering piece anyway. That would cut down on anyone’s guesswork 😉
I get the same comment when I wear flesh colored camisoles. I’ve finally decided I don’t want anyone guessing and so switched to different colors. This color looks beautiful on you. Good choices.