The Photographer and I reached our sixth wedding anniversary (Sugar!) last week and took ourselves downtown for dinner this weekend to celebrate.
Once dislodged from my nest, I agreed to take photos on location, too.
I picked a spot that is beautiful, dramatic, and personally meaningful to me.

You know how models are always saying in interviews that modeling is hard work?
I don’t know that I believe that.
But I do get thirsty and restless while The Photographer figures out his camera settings and lighting. Therefore I took advantage of the our location to get myself a delicious soda.
You’ve seen this dress before. It’s such a great dress, it needs to be worn as much as possible — agree?
For variety, I am wearing it here with an ultra-lightweight, wool crewneck sweater and low block heels.
I think it would also look good with a lightweight turtleneck.
For variety, I am wearing it here with an ultra-lightweight, wool crewneck sweater and low block heels.
I think it would also look good with a lightweight turtleneck.

For those who neither remember nor care to look back, I am providing multiple perspectives:
Do you know where we are?
It’s another Beaux Arts treasure.
I passed through Union Station at least twice a day, every day that I was in law school. For those of you who have some familiarity with D.C. and are feeling confused, Georgetown Law is not on the Georgetown University campus. It’s not even in Georgetown. It’s closer to the courts, located at 600 New Jersey Avenue NW.

If you live in D.C. and haven’t seen Strangers on a Train, you should. It’s a great film and you’ll get a kick out of the opening scene.
We took a few shots inside, too. It’s an incredibly busy station, but a friendly one — so we received much encouragement and interest from passersby and in turn helped some tourists with their photos.

Special Bonus: I have tucked a scarf that harmonizes with my dress into the collar of my trenchcoat.
Dress: 3.1 Phillip Lim; Sweater: Eileen Fisher; Slip: Calvin Klein; Shoes: Tory Burch; Bag: Furla Metropolis; Watch: Michele
The whole is pleasing to my eye. Dress is very rich and evocative of the 30’s, nearly eclipsed by how pretty your hair this day. It looks unruly but in the most beautiful way and I would bet the photographer would have said “alluring” way. Love the venue and bet your dinner appt. was fabulous. DC has the greatest restaurants for classic fare or adventurous fare. Kate
The dress is marvelous and should be worn frequently. The train station (such a mundane term) is absolutely grand. Great architectural achievements and beautiful spaces make us want to honor them by wearing lovely clothing.
If you look at lists of the most beloved/famous/significant buildings of the 19th and 20th Century, a surprising number are train stations! Perhaps train stations are to the United States what cathedrals are to France and Italy.
I loved that beautiful red glow where they were setting up the wedding and was dying to get in there. The guests hadn’t arrived yet! It was wide open! I was making a beeline for it while The Directrice was tugging at my arm wailing, “No! Noooo!” The Directrice and I have a very different approach to boundaries. I once walked right past Jimmy Carter’s Secret Service guys in a tiny town in rural Wales and stuck out my hand and said hello (this was a few years after he left office.) He was very nice about it. I was 19 at the time. Anyway, the guy at Union Station didn’t let us in, but I got a nice shot anyway. Union Station was marvelous for indoor photography — those floors are perfect for reflecting a flash in a dramatic way. We’ll do it again sometime.
There was no wailing. We were both addressing the poor fellow who appeared to be “event security” at the same time, kind of like this:
Photographer, “This looks really nice, I love those red lights. I’d like to take some photos in there. Can I go in? What’s going on here? It hasn’t started yet so we won’t be in the way . . . ”
The Directrice (addressing security and Photographer alternately), “What are you doing? You do not have to let him in there; this looks like a very nice event. Baby, come away from there. We’ll go some place else.”
Of course I remember this dress – it was pleasantly etched in my brain. Fantastic with the layer of a sweater!
I love the comment about the good side of your face sharing a plane with the less interesting side of the dress, and vice versa. I didn’t realize anyone else but me had a good side of her face!
Such a great outfit, location, and description!
I think the two sides of my face look like different people (possibly cousins), which is a little unnerving, Bette. From the front, I don’t look like two halves of different people stitched together, do I? I know that one ear is higher than the other because I have to get my glasses adjusted to accommodate . . .
Such a lovely way to mark an anniversary! It’s the little micro tips that distinguish the Directice. RE the Jimmy Carter story, I wouldn’t have had the nerve at 19 but would now, it’s good to have different takes on boundaries!
I was going to say Federal Triangle, except that I couldn’t think of a Chipolte nearby.
Chinatown/MCI Center!
It has been too long since I’ve perused The Directrice’s blog. What a magnificent location to highlight that striking dress! I especially love the accessories you’ve paired with it, including the way the watch face size perfectly complements the lines of your dress.