We are away!
We’ll see if you can figure out where we are with a few visual aids.
Today is all about the packing. Because I am writing this post three days into the trip, I cannot say whether I will find success in my suitcase,* but so far it’s going well.
I need enough clothes to see me through fourteen days of travel, in city (museums) and country locations (light hiking).
I am relying heavily on dresses.
Accordingly, I packed:
- four day-dresses with long sleeves;
- 1 denim jacket;
- one “smart” jacket (black, but cotton);
- one pair of khakis;
- one pair of jeans;
- 1 white button down blouse, a white tunic, 1 plain black blouse, 1 patterned black and white blouse;
- 2 camisole /pinafore style tops to wear over the blouses; 1 patterned camisole to wear under the blouses;
- an ivory cotton turtleneck sweater and a black cashmere cardigan;
- a large silk scarf (this one) and a large patterned cotton scarf (this one);
- a down puffer jacket.**
- a white blouse with this top over it,
- khakis,
- and a denim jacket**
- with an apricot-colored scarf.
I relaxed my general restrictions on shoes and allowed myself to pack three pairs (white Doc Martens, black and white cut-out brogues and black flats) and wear sneakers.
I packed three pairs instead of two for reasons of mixed quality. I was worried the Doc Martens would irritate the back of my heels (bad reason) and I was worried that it would be too cold for my brogue cut-outs (sort of legitimate reason).
Both fears turned out to be unfounded, but each should have been grounds for striking the suspect shoes from the packing list. Shoes that cause blisters? Seasonally inappropriate shoes? But in the first three days, I’ve worn both with no problems.***
Now a couple of photos that will: (1) allow you to see the sleevey side of the dress, which is not as flattering as the sleeveless side, but is very interesting and (2) provide additional clues — atmospheric clues — about our location.
Perhaps a photo without me in the way would help?

Finalement, the dress is ready to go out for dinner when the temperature has dropped: with one of the denim jackets and the apricot scarf.
Any idea of where we are?
Dress: Sea Clota Ruched Bow Dress (though I bought mine during Shopbop’s March sale); Jacket: Marques Almeida; Shoes: Rebecca Minkoff; Scarf: Eileen Fisher; Bag: Car Shoe
* You remember Sorrow in My Sample Case? From The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay?
** TWO DENIM JACKETS? Stay with me here. The jackets are different styles and colors; their weight is just right for the middle of the expected temperature range; one jacket can accommodate a sweater underneath, the other looks better with the dresses.
*** I bought some gel pads (for bunions) at CVS and put them inside the heels of my Doc Martens — which are just a little too big — et voila! — chafing/blister problem is solved.
Four pairs of shoes in total! Extravagant and yet somehow sensible (my experience when traveling is that when one’s shoes aren’t comfortable all bets are off). Is there a prize for guessing correctly — perhaps another castoff from the Directice’s closet? Me thinks you are in Santiago de Chile.
The night owls and early birds responded to this post between the time I laid my head down and rose again! You are correct. I feel confident that there is a castoff in your future, Rhizophora — particularly since we are the same size? Send your name and mailing address to Harper (Contact The Directrice on the homepage) and settle in for a few months’ wait. As you know, Directrice Global Industries is staffed by people who aren’t people and don’t have opposable thumbs . . .
Santiago, Chile?? I want to say in Los Condes from the high rises, but I figure you for more of a Bellavista/Providenca kind of person…
You honor me, Linda!
Great tip for avoiding and protecting blisters – use skin tape. Look for the kind that has little squares in the weave, not paper tape. When I travel, I keep a roll in my purse.
I agree, Santiago, Chile.
If you’re sightseeing in catholic churches, your dress looks designed to blow the minds of wardens who require covered shoulders 🙂 I don’t know Chile at all and would love to see more travel pics please !
Ha! We are seeing a lot of skin here! But not in church . . .
I don’t know where you are, but I’m chuckling in solidarity because my (fellow lawyer) husband and I also always have to visit the courthouse wherever in the world we are! Hope you’re having a wonderful time! I love the sidewalk with the colored squares!
Absolutely Santiago, Chile — El Mercurio, La Cruz Verde, Cerro San Cristobal in the background. Enjoy!
Pesha — Did you live in Santiago?
Barcelona!? Hope you are having a wonderful trip
Were I not here in Santiago, Barcelona would have been my guess, too!