Another Shirtwaist Dress Combination

When something works, stick with it.

Do you remember this dress from last summer?

If you don’t remember, perhaps you should take a look back

Have you also remembered that I told you, warned you, that I bought it in a second fabric? Lavender seersucker?

Is this ringing any bells?

I tell them things; I can’t make them remember

It’s OK if you can’t remember. That’s why we keep records here at Directrice Global Industries Ltd.

Are you wondering why I’ve been wearing NSFW sport sandals so frequently this summer? And wondering whether this blog has finally deviated from an authentic, realistic professional woman’s POV to preposterous office fantasy?

The sad fact is: (1) I’ve been so busy at work that I haven’t had the time/energy to retrieve my summer shoes from our storage area in the basement and (2) I’ve actually been wearing the sport sandals to work for the same reason.

So, the blog is still representing an authentic working woman’s POV — it’s just a sad (but defiant) POV.

If anyone were to question to sport sandals at work, I would not answer for the consequences

This lavender is a delicate shade. It’s showing up better in these close-up photos. Since purple and yellow are complementary colors, I’ve paired the dress with a marigold bag and favorite utility belt.

I think this is understood; no one has asked
I’ve adopted a Nixonian attitude toward the dress code; if The Directrice does it, it cannot be illegal

In case of emergency, PULL.

Pull Direcrice toward you

Have a tremendous Fourth of July!

Dress: Piper Dress by Christy Dawn; Belt: Heron Preston: Shoes: Jslides Blakley Platform; Bag: Coach; Watch: TechnoMarine

6 thoughts on “Another Shirtwaist Dress Combination”

  1. Do you take some sort of sweater/shawl/jacket to work when you wear that? I find whenever it’s nice enough outside to wear summery clothing, inside they pump the A/C up to extra-arctic in order to compensate. Yesterday I sat teeth-chattering at my desk wearing a linen sweater and a wool shawl.

  2. When The Directrice wears that belt, I always follow directions and PULL her towards me.

    The only actual issue I have with the belt is the Cyrillic script. стиль just means “style.” But not a fan of the Russians these days.

  3. The blog is definitely representing an authentic working woman’s POV —sport sandals and all. Yeah, Directrice!

  4. If you’re like I am you have a drawer at work with some black or tan shoes that have never seen a thunderstorm and look nice even though they’re ancient, and change when you arrive.

    Hubs has a some blue/gold straps for securing his kayak to the car, and he’s lost one of them. I’m giving serious thought to whether the orphan needs to become a Directrice-style belt.


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