At the start of the summer, I had one pair of sandals in the apartment (an oversight in packing seasonal shoes for storage last year) and was too lazy to go down to the basement and bring the summer shoes up.* That collection includes some really fun sandals including these, and these, and these. But as we now know well, shoes are unimportant to remote work. For some, they are even optional.
Thus the “chosen” sandals of 2020 (better described as the “overlooked” sandals of 2019) are in the style of a Teva, but fabricated in leather with a white sole. So, a dressy and irreverent Teva. I figured I could make them work all summer. I’ve made it work. It’s August 1st and I’ve worn them almost everyday.
But I did see an extraordinary pair of white sandals on the Internet in late May. They were sui generis and I knew there would be nothing like them in my storage bin, so I bought them.
I give you: Dr. Martens Nartilla Sandals.
It is true that no one will ever see them, unless I start putting my feet up on my desk during Zoom meetings (which I will not do), but I see them and have been enjoying them greatly.
They go with everything!
In an effort to remain relevant in current working conditions, I will be showcasing all of my statement necklaces. This one is — I swear — a nylon tube filled with acorns.+ You and I could make this necklace. A squirrel could make this necklace.

The difficulty in getting through troubled times like these is knowing how and when to compartmentalize — dividing the day between work, family, self-maintenance, cats, and assisting the resistance — and keeping those boundaries in place.
Our Directrice photo-shoots at present show many micro-expressions. At left, I am supposed to be showing you the beads, but I instead appear to be wondering whether I will be called upon personally to prevent the Post Master General from destroying or delaying absentee ballots. I have a lot on my mind.
It’s been years since you’ve seen this dress. It remains a highly valued member of my wardrobe, particularly for remote work. It’s as comfortable as pajamas, but much more presentable.
Here, I have combined it with a fabric-covered bead necklace and the hideo-marvelous sandals.

And now, I’ll bring you close to my shoes, which will unfortunately also reveal the sloppy pedicure I gave myself.
These shoes have extra long laces, which are intended to be wound around the ankle and calf and then tied — gladiator style. I think that type of lacing is uncomfortable, so I have tied the laces in very thick bows.
One last graphic note, seen from the back. A black label and pull tab.
Some of you posted comments earlier this week asking for examples of insufficient contrast denim-on-denim combinations. Here is what I found.
The Photographer is a good sport. He said I could share the photo I took of him wearing denim on denim.
Our separate walks intersected in an alley not far from our building.
* The summer shoes will get to spend the summer holidays with the Christmas decorations: Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day.
+ Perhaps they are very light wood beads and not acorns.
Love the shoes. Love you. Vive la resistance!
This post really made me chuckle–all those asides. Since you’re in DC, maybe you can use some of those new ankle-lassos the police were demo-ing last week as non-gun ways to bring down suspects on the Post Master General and a few choice others. Aside from the asides, I love the hideo-marvellous sandals and all the outfits. And if there were a way to share photos on this blog, I’d (happily?) share my own recent, sloppy pedicure. Why is it so hard to make my toes look good myself?
Love those shoes and each outfit! I saw those shoes a couple months ago and loved them but alas I have problem feet and need orthotics even in sandals. But they look great on you!
D, love the sandals! But that first necklace looks like elk poo on a string. Maybe it just does not photograph well?
I like this post . The commentaries are fun and the white outfit and the dress are most becoming. The sandals are a hoot and could be useful and safer to walk about if you shortened the strings. I will suggest the jewel option to the squirrels in the back yard. They certainly need something constructive to do.
Over the top denim, but the photographer is as always good looking.
Perfect description of the shoes! Is that kind of like jolie laide applied to an object? I love your old dress and felted wool bead(?)necklace. There’s no end of things to make you look worried pensive.
You are a breath of fresh air! I would never have thought of elk poo (aka scat, as my mother likes to say), but I do worry whether squirrels might start attacking you while wearing that necklace. The shoes are making me think of a pair I had as a teenager that is long forgotten, but I feel good that I was perhaps ahead of my time. The Photographer’s outfit makes me think of Artie Fufkin!
No, no. He’s Lee Majors/Steve Austin! The Six Million Dollar Man. Search Google for “Lee Majors denim jacket” and you will see.
Vive la resistance! We’re counting on all of you in the U.S. to keep Post Office functioning so all of us expats can mail in our ballots from around the world. I just dropped off my ballot request form at the U.S. consulate here (I live in Mexico), to be sent by consular mail to Washington, then regular USPS to NY, my state. Big voter registration effort underway by Democrats Abroad!
I like the sandals but am curious if the soles are heavy? Really like the dress and share your worries. Such uncertain, infuriating times!
Artie Fufkin? Oh, MGT, you wound me.
I had a vague memory that Lee Majors, when playing Steve Austin, dressed in denim jeans and jackets, and a google image search proved me right. I was around 10 at the time and that’s probably the only style influence that ever stuck with me. (That and the aviator glasses, which I also wore at the time.)
Lovely to see you back and the Photographer in his all-blue outfit looks like he’s a fallen bit of summer sky !
Love the Doc Martin Sandals as we call then in England, where they are made. It’s a great style and a very different look. The sole is slightly heavier than a regular shoe, that is part of their style. Enjoy them!
I’m all about the statement necklaces on Zoom calls. Sometimes it’s a statement necklace over a t-shirt with the neck cut out…but it’s a statement necklace! It works on anything. (If I’m interviewing someone we might hire, I put on a nice top.)