Let it never be said that The Directrice peddles fantasy ensembles that no thinking woman would ever stuff herself into and head to work. There are no heels with shorts on this website!* And so no one shall sayeth.
Everything but the Pieced Wonder has been fully road-tested!**
I suggested this sweater to you a few weeks ago. While this outfit hasn’t gone to the office yet, it will . . . some Casual Friday.

This sweater would also look nice with a blue pin-striped shirt underneath — with the ivory corduroys or with jeans. But I think the pale shades and earth tone look very elegant.
Perhaps more elegant than the person inside.

Come closer and take a gander at this enormous, cuffed neckline.
Perhaps we need larger photos?
So for those who wondered what good a sleeveless, off-the-shoulder sweater could do: It’s like a little wrap.
Sweater: Theory; Shirt: Talbots; Cords: Talbots; Shoes: Grenson; Bag: Barbara Bui
* There are no heels or shorts on this website.
** The Pieced Wonder has been presented in the neighborhood for photos, but has not gone to work yet. Fortunately, this avant-garde masterpiece it will never be out of style . . . or particularly in style. It exists outside the boundaries of space and time.
I like the sweater a lot. I don’t see why you would need to wait for a casual day to wear that good looking outfit to work. If you were expecting clients of were to be in court you would of course be more formal.
I agree with cookie. With a different pair of shoes it could be ready for a regular work day.
PS: I’m a bit concerned that the Pieced Wonder hasn’t been worn out and about yet. Fingers crossed that before too long the Directrice can come up with a suitable event for its unveiling.
I urge The Directrice on a weekly basis to wear the Pieced Wonder!
Lovely sweater!