I told you that I have been wearing real pants with a set waistband . . . and that’s true. That’s what I’m going to show you. But I haven’t been wearing worky pants — i.e., wool trousers. Is that ok?
You don’t expect me to put on fake work outfits, do you?
I could, but I don’t think that would be very helpful, do you? So we are agreed that rumpled khakis and action slacks are reasonable right now, even for a style blog?
Here is what I wore for work on December 23rd, my last day of work in 2020. Better to go out with a bang than a whisper.
I am sure one of your first thoughts at the start of the pandemic was, “What about all the bustiers? What will happen to them?”
Having shown on numerous occasions that a bustier fits neatly into a work wardrobe (with a shirt, blouse, or tee underneath it!), allow me to demonstrate now how a bustier works at home equally well.
Even I was a little surprised to find myself wearing this get-up comfortably for 8 hours.
Possible explanations include:
So why did I head down this road on the 23rd? Two reasons.
I did have a Zoom meeting.
But I also wanted to honor this ascot, recently purchased from Lilian Asterfield.
It’s so exuberant and spirited, I felt that it had to be worn right away. And paired with some like-minded garments. In addition to my slightly shiny, navy blue bustier, you may remember this charming printed shirt — a gift from my mother many years ago.
When I go back to the office, I can wear this shirt/bustier/ascot combination with navy, pinstriped pants and these shoes.
During the colder months, I am finding that socks and sneakers are most comfortable.
Here is the pair I purchased to replace last year’s running shoes. Which I wear for my daily walks.
I often see people wearing great-looking Nike sneakers and then I can never find them on the Nike website — even when I’ve taken a surreptitious photo to help me. Possible explanations: too much merchandise on the Nike site; constant addition of new models pushed to the fore, and; for models that come in more than one color, a change in the color scheme can sometimes render the model unrecognizable. To prevent you from feeling even a moment of frustration, I am providing direct links and exact (though preposterous) names of the models that are delighting me right now.

* In a quick Internet search for the model name, I found these on Net-a-Porter. So . . . chic.
+ These remind me of saddle shoes. You know my love of saddle shoes.
** My shoes are telling me to Just Do IT. Note: The flyknit, laceless sneaker feels different when you first try it on. It might feel tight, but mine relaxed very quickly and now feel supportively snug, but not tight.
Ooh, love how the bustier makes a nice open display room for the ascot — spacious at the top and underlined/framed at the bottom. I’m now agonizing over whether to get a Lilian Asterfield ascot or birdie. Those vintage ties and fabrics are creeping into my dreams… Your hair looks great btw, I liked it long too but short also sets the stage for your neckline and of course your beautiful face!
Marie — You have captured exactly what I was aiming for with the bustier/ascot combination. It’s almost like I am presenting the ascot on a silver platter (in two dimensions). As between the birdie and the ascot — tough choice! They’re both beautiful. Of the two, the birdie is more conventional (it’s charming, but not arresting) and more adaptable; you could wear it with any round-necked sweater, dress, or top. It’s like a well-behaved scarf (imagine such a thing) that holds its shape all day. The ascots are a bigger statement, but may require a little more planning and tending (figuring out the right blouse/vest/jacket shapes and styles) and therefore get a little less use. Let us know what you decide. Send a photo!
Totally taken by the mix of patterns in shirt and ascot. Also, I am impressed by how well the sneakers go with the ascot.
Very cheery. A tonic.
The bustier, the ascot, those amazing sneakers, and they all work together – too much goodness in one place! As we close in on the new year, thank god, so happy to have more Directrice to look forward to.
The shoes are totally cool and I think that they (and the “ascot”) make the outfit.
I’m mesmerized by the combination of colors and designs in this one outfit, amazed at how beautifully they worked altogether. Perfectly charming.
In the first photo I thought “what is that cute little miniature handbag she’s holding??” and then I realized… ha