Out and About in Buenos Aires

  The Photographer worked with Jacada Travel* to arrange our trip. Jacada does a great job of listening to a prospective traveler’s interests, hopes, and needs and then turning it into a detailed itinerary that meets all three types of expectations.   We like talking about politics, culture, and history and they’ve found the best … Read more

The Immense Seriousness of Art*

  The Photographer and I like guided tours when we visit a new city. So much to see and we like the insights and background that only a resident can provide. For our second day in Buenos Aires, we spent half the day with an anthropologist from the university who took us on a graffiti … Read more

Adiós, Chile!

It seems like we just got here, but non. It’s been two weeks and it’s time to go home. As you read this, I am probably engaged in an in-flight marathon of Marvel Comics movies: Captain America: The Winter Soldier; Captain America: Civil War; Captain America: It’s Mueller Time! After leaving the desert, we flew … Read more

We Are High and Dry

We like the Alto Atacama so much that we have spent more than half of our time lounging around the resort rather than taking advantage of the excursions available to us daily.* In case you are wondering how big this landscape is, there are people in the photograph directly above. I don’t mean the shadows. … Read more

Pictures of People, Places, and Things

In Santiago, we spent a half-day with a guide — seeing some of the more famous sights and getting taste of this complex, vibrant city. We saw the changing of guard at La Moneda (actually, we saw the horses’ hind ends as they walked away) and other significant government buildings, as well as a number … Read more

A Dress of Definite Shape

First things first: We are in Chile and these early photos were taken in Santiago. Come closer and take a gander at the sleeves. And now, enough of my yammering about clothes. Let’s take a look at Santiago. We stayed in Barrio Lastarria.* This shaggy building looks like an art installation, but it’s not . … Read more

We Go Afield

  Perhaps it’s useful . . . instructive . . . to see my Casual Friday clothes re-purposed as vacation wear with a limited prop box of accessories? And to see the glories of Maine?   The Photographer and I are trying to divide our time between three major activities: (1) lazing on our floating … Read more

In Situ

  I am on vacation and facing a quandary. I didn’t take photos for new posts before leaving Washington and I didn’t bring any business casual clothes on vacation with me, so I have nothing to post.   Unless I post vacation pictures.   I leave you to decide which is more unbearable: no post … Read more