Instead of pictures of me in my old clothes, today the staff at Directrice Global Industries Ltd. are sharing their New Year’s resolutions.
In my experience, the key elements of a winning New Year’s resolution are attainability and impact. You want to resolve to do something you are actually capable of doing, but don’t do, that will improve your life if you do do it. Successful resolutions from previous years include “wear lipstick everyday” and “smile at strangers.”
So let’s see what everyone plans.
The Directrice
I will have people over for dinner at least once each month and will cook something new each time.
I am going to get off the sidelines and do something with my life
Harper and Posy
Physical Plant (monitoring gravity and inertia)
We resolve to be more obedient
Just kidding
We will be on the stage in Stockholm in December 2016, accepting our physics prize
Please accept our best wishes for your health and success in the New Year.
If you’ve made a resolution, please do share!
15 thoughts on “The Directrice Resolves”
Happy new year, Directrice! I have been so busy these last few weeks I am just now stealing a moment to catch up on your last several posts, and they are reminding me why I love visiting your blog. My new year’s resolution is to read it more regularly!
I also like the “wear lipstick every day” idea — I always prefer how I look in it, but the logistics (smudges, re-application, tendency to drink water or coffee all day) tend to derail my best intentions. Would be curious to learn how you made it work.
I generally wear a lipstick that is very easy to apply — either Trish McAvoy’s Essential Pencil (No. 10, Plum Brown) or NARS Velvet Matte Lip Pencil (Het Loo). These go on very easily and don’t require anything complex like lip liner or gloss. (The NARS pencil goes on smoothly that I really couldn’t tell for the longest time whether I was dealing with a liquid or a solid. Think about that.) I refresh the lipstick every time I go to the ladies’ room. I also tuck a little makeup remover in my cosmetic bag — just a dab of Pond’s cold cream in a ziploc baggies — for smudges.
I have found that Clinique chubby sticks intense last my entire day without needing to reapply, but that is the intense ones, not the ordinary ones. The ordinary chubby sticks are pretty, but much lighter in texture as well as colour and do not last the day.
Happy New Year to the entire staff at DGI Ltd. and congrats on a wonderful year of posts!
In keeping with your ‘smile at strangers’ resolve my yearly go-to resolution is to find more opportunities for RAK’s (Random Acts of Kindness).
The bestowing of a compliment to frazzled waitstaff, retail clerks, a colleague, a Metro seatmate, etc. can often ease a situation and generate MORE smiles!
An excellent resolution. And the salad can be achieved even with a cup of raw spinach leaves (loosely packed) at the end of the day. To your health in 2016!
I resolve to laugh at least once, but generally multiple times, whenever I read & view a blog post from DGI Ltd.
Wait! I already do that. And this post was a pearler!
I read an article this morning that suggest starting New Years’ Resolutions from mid-January to beginning of February, since we are then over the holiday season and back into normal life. Certainly sounds like a good idea if the resolutions are fitness orientated, but not a necessity.
My resolution, which I hadn’t realised was a NYR until now, is to pick up rubbish every day while walking my dogs. I’m ok with missing a day, provided I can compensate on following days. I’d love to think that I’ll run out of rubbish to pick up, but it is windy where I live at this time of the year, so even if locals improve, it will still blow in from elsewhere.
I hadn’t actually planned to mention it to anyone (damn you, Directrice), as it is a personal thing, but they do say that enunciating a goal means you are more likely to follow through, so here’s hoping that my local park becomes a cleaner place in 2016.
This is a very public-spirited pledge — your neighbors are lucky to be in your orbit! If you have a neighborhood list-serve, you may want to inspire others with your resolution. Best wishes for 2016!
Happy new year, Directrice! I have been so busy these last few weeks I am just now stealing a moment to catch up on your last several posts, and they are reminding me why I love visiting your blog. My new year’s resolution is to read it more regularly!
I also like the “wear lipstick every day” idea — I always prefer how I look in it, but the logistics (smudges, re-application, tendency to drink water or coffee all day) tend to derail my best intentions. Would be curious to learn how you made it work.
I generally wear a lipstick that is very easy to apply — either Trish McAvoy’s Essential Pencil (No. 10, Plum Brown) or NARS Velvet Matte Lip Pencil (Het Loo). These go on very easily and don’t require anything complex like lip liner or gloss. (The NARS pencil goes on smoothly that I really couldn’t tell for the longest time whether I was dealing with a liquid or a solid. Think about that.) I refresh the lipstick every time I go to the ladies’ room. I also tuck a little makeup remover in my cosmetic bag — just a dab of Pond’s cold cream in a ziploc baggies — for smudges.
thank you!
I have found that Clinique chubby sticks intense last my entire day without needing to reapply, but that is the intense ones, not the ordinary ones. The ordinary chubby sticks are pretty, but much lighter in texture as well as colour and do not last the day.
Happy New Year to the entire staff at DGI Ltd. and congrats on a wonderful year of posts!
In keeping with your ‘smile at strangers’ resolve my yearly go-to resolution is to find more opportunities for RAK’s (Random Acts of Kindness).
The bestowing of a compliment to frazzled waitstaff, retail clerks, a colleague, a Metro seatmate, etc. can often ease a situation and generate MORE smiles!
It is amazing how something that seems like a little kindness to the giver can really boost the spirits of the receiver. You are the best!
Loved these, especially the Bill one, the judgmental one, and the cat one.
I will worry less, and eat some form of salad every day.
An excellent resolution. And the salad can be achieved even with a cup of raw spinach leaves (loosely packed) at the end of the day. To your health in 2016!
Love your blog, love your sense of humor and your sense of style. No resolutions for me for 2016, just to live in the moment. Happy new year!
Thank you, so much Julia. Living in the moment is a skill — best wishes for a happy new year!
I resolve to comment more often!
You spoil me.
I resolve to laugh at least once, but generally multiple times, whenever I read & view a blog post from DGI Ltd.
Wait! I already do that. And this post was a pearler!
I read an article this morning that suggest starting New Years’ Resolutions from mid-January to beginning of February, since we are then over the holiday season and back into normal life. Certainly sounds like a good idea if the resolutions are fitness orientated, but not a necessity.
My resolution, which I hadn’t realised was a NYR until now, is to pick up rubbish every day while walking my dogs. I’m ok with missing a day, provided I can compensate on following days. I’d love to think that I’ll run out of rubbish to pick up, but it is windy where I live at this time of the year, so even if locals improve, it will still blow in from elsewhere.
I hadn’t actually planned to mention it to anyone (damn you, Directrice), as it is a personal thing, but they do say that enunciating a goal means you are more likely to follow through, so here’s hoping that my local park becomes a cleaner place in 2016.
This is a very public-spirited pledge — your neighbors are lucky to be in your orbit! If you have a neighborhood list-serve, you may want to inspire others with your resolution. Best wishes for 2016!
OMG!!! monitoring gravity and inertia!!!
Love your blog, wish I had time to join and represent style in middle management! thanks for taking the time to share.