I am not entirely certain what guiding principles a reader of this blog will have extracted after reading the first 180 posts. One concept that has been repeated numerous times relates to layering: that outfits are more interesting and more sophisticated when a few pieces are combined — layered — to create a silhouette, to create depth through texture, or to set a color off to best advantage.
Notwithstanding the layering imperative, some of the best outfits are made of a single item (a dress) or two (a top and bottom) of exceptional quality — because of the fabric, the design, or the workmanship.
Case in point: a sculptural poplin blouse worn with prosaic khakis and a pair of Doc Martens.
This blouse is made of a humble poplin, but the cut is really something. Let me show you.
I poked around on the Internet looking for some reasonable approximations of this blouse (which I bought last fall on YOOX) and didn’t have much luck. But I recommend taking a quick peek at the work of Kym Ellery, just to see some beautiful things on the cutting edge of fashion. Warning: They are extremely expensive.
Since starting this blog in February 2015, I’ve posted three times a week every week and only missed four days.
So . . . I am taking next week off. To mitigate this news, I offer you a short trench coat.

Blouse: Aquascutum; Pants: Ann Taylor; Shoes: Doc Martens dainty Siano
“You have delighted us enough” may be mean, but not if I add “to have well-earned a week’s rest from your toil for our amusement”. Hope you are doing something fabulous with your week.
Now I can finally get some work done! (Kidding — enjoy your well-deserved week off, but we will be glad when you return).
P.S. Apparently when The Directrice is ready for her close-up — unlike Norma Desmond — she means the shirt, not her face…
Absence makes the heart grow fonder… I’ll miss you and your fabulous clothes.
Sui generis, madame, sui generis.
Congratulations on your 180th! Thank you for all the joy you bring us each week. During your well deserved-rest I will entertian myself by perusing old blog posts — maybe I can finally figure out how to wear a necklace!
Where are you?
I just discovered your site, the week before your respite.
Hope you are coming back soon!