Flashing back, again, to the middle Aughts.
My affection for Eileen Fisher knits — the dense merino knits –is no secret to long-time readers of this blog.
Eileen Fisher is tricky because so much of the line is oversized. Too oversized in my view. But when the fitted merino pieces appear, you should snap them up.
I bought this jacket and skirt with a matching shell in two colors c. 2004 and wear them every winter. Perhaps I will be buried in one of them.

These pieces are classic. Today, however, I have decided to hip-up the ensemble by wearing a mixed-fabric top in place of the shell.
The shell is fine. Here is its proof of life.
Are you curious about the mixed-fabric top?
Do you want to come closer and take a better look?
Perhaps it would be easier if I removed the jacket?
But it’s so cold outside.

Don’t ask me why, exactly, but the top is edgy even though it combines lace and gingham.
The red and black is vaguely equestrian. While we can all agree that fox-hunting is bad, riding and riding clothes are good. The other suit is a beautiful coffee brown — jacket, shell, and skirt.
One last thing: m’ patent leather boots.
These lovelies deserve to be out and about much more than they are.
Must resolve to wear them more often in 2018.
Jacket and skirt: Eileen Fisher; Top: Marissa Webb from The Outnet and still available; Boots: Fratelli Rossetti; Bag: Coach
I don’t know that I’d wear a top like that any other way.
I’ve never had much luck with Eileen Fisher. The items are designed to have forgiving fits but somehow they don’t fit me.
Please share which lipstick you’re wearing? It’s gorgeous (on you and on its own merit).
Hi RKT, Somebody asked in a previous post. I believe it’s NARS velvet matte lip pencil in Walkyrie. I’m eyeing it myself as my favorite Aveda lip pencil was discontinued.
Thank you! I love NARS products generally, so that’s good news for me.
The whole ensemble really looks so classic, yes equestrian, and fits you well. The red highlights your lovely complexion and hair. The whole thing works as does the marled jacket outfit. Fun to see the outfits as they speak of today despite their past purchase. You definitely have pieces that are workable but fall in line with current style.
I’m digging those boots. The toes remind me of your boots with the white slash for some reason…
I struggle posting this comment, because usually I post only when I have something amusing or complimentary to say, but in the interests of a diverse comment section… I’m afraid that jacket really, really looks like it’s from the early 2000’s to me. Like something Suze Orman would have worn in early days (except in leather).
Keep the skirt and boots! (though I do think I’d like the boots better with black tights) but perhaps swap in a longer structured sweater (a low V?) rather than the boxy knit?
And thus began The Directrice Flame Wars! But your comment is respectful and I can see what you are saying (oh no!), so I doubt it will touch any nerves. I appreciate all of your comments, Cat! I tell The Photographer before publishing half of my posts, “They can’t all be the best post.” (I do, however, somehow think that the other 50 % are the best post.) This does make me wonder what Suze Orman plans to be buried in . . .
In case it helps, I’ve been getting good mileage out of my somewhat-cropped tops (that is, ending at or above the hip, like the jacket in question), even the ones from the early-2000s, atop the high-waisted ankle-baring culottes which seem to be having a fashion moment this year.
(not that I advocate any ankle-baring until the weather warms back up)
yes but … what’s the line between dated and classic? I think the subtlety of the pockets of this saves it from looking too dated. If you wanted a further update – cropped pants.
Tricky, but there are very few true clothing “classics” to me (accessories do fare better). I try not to purchase one-season type trendy items (see: off-the-shoulder or cold-shoulder anything) but even trying to stick to the most timeless of purchases, proportions shift gradually… like the proverbial frog in warming water, it can be hard to tell the line when a former “classic” transitions to “oh that jacket is so 80’s!”
Lapels and collars widen and shrink (I recently tried on one of my go-to blouses from the early 00’s and was struck by how much longer/pointier the collar is compared to more recent purchases), proportions and lengths vary (for example, pants with a wide waistband and narrow belt loops strike me as early 00’s also; ankle pants are great now, but just a few inches shorter and you’re rocking 1998 capri pants).
I quite like the jacket! 🙂
I like it all very much.