Be not alarmed by the unexpected alert in your e-mailbox.
This isn’t an emergency, but I thought you would like to know about the following things that I found at JCrew, which is in the midst of a 30% off sale.
I love this dress! I can’t justify it, because I have a dress very similar, but you can.
You should.
You must!
I picture this dress with a pair of suede mules styled like loafers (pointy-toe, low heel).
Perhaps you are reading the caption and wondering what “Lip Print” means? Enlarge the photo. The fabric is printed with tiny lips. So unlike me, but I love it.
In all honesty, I really love the cut and style of the dress, but would prefer a plain or perhaps polka-dotted fabric. I have reconciled myself to the tiny lips because the dress is so charming.
I plan to wear this with a faux fur collar. In for a penny, in for a pound.

I have such a soft spot for boiled wool. And for cropped jackets.
Warning: The buttons on this jacket are a little cheap looking — a bit surprising because JCrew often gets these details right — but easy to replace with either a rich brown horn button or a sumptuous Italian resin button in ivory (or black).
Think of how smart this jacket would look with The Big Tent or that zany, slashed Phillip Lim shirt-dress.
I love this dress, too. But I don’t need any more dresses.
It occurrs to me that this dress would also make a great top, if you cut off three-quarters of the skirt. (Hint: Buy one or two sizes up, to ensure that the resulting peplum fits over trousers.)
Such a good idea, but I don’t need any more tops, either . . .

Do with this information what you will! I hope that you are having a fantastic weekend.
Love the dresses and jacket
So. The Eye of Sauron? Is that a special little joke just for your bloglovin readers? I was so curious when that image was the teaser image, with the blurb “Be not alarmed!” But it doesn’t show up here at all. How strange.
It may just be an inside joke between me and The Photographer! And now between you, The Photographer, and me. The Eye of Sauron — all seeing — is good at scoping out sales.
Can a person have too many dresses? I beg to differ…