Return of the Party Dress as Top

I like wearing a fancy top with khakis.

I’ve seen a top like this one on Shopbop and it was called a “dress.” This is not a dress. But it has the joie de vivre of a party dress, doesn’t it?

Such effervescence needs to come out of the closet regularly. We can’t wait for special occasions.

Or, isn’t Casual Friday special enough?

It fits every occasion including Lawless Friday

Not lawless, exactly, because one can offend community standards on Casual Friday

Wearing a fancy top with khakis is similar to wearing a fancy top with jeans, but more irreverent and individualistic. I think we’ve passed into an era in which a fancy top with jeans is no longer irreverent or individualistic; its de rigeur for many “dress” occasions.

This particular top works well because the gold threads in this jacquard fabric are a muted gold that look almost khaki. So, there is subtlety in the gesture — to the extent that wearing a poofy bustier can ever be characterized as subtle.

But a little zany never hurt anyone; subtle zany

It remains unseasonably cool in Washington, and so I’ve swaddled my vulnerable neck in a scarf. Unlike most of my scarfs, this one is stiff; ordinarily I would consider stiffness a disadvantage, but this one can be wrapped and twisted into a charming shape which the fabric can maintain for hours.

There is a chill in the air

Wrap, wrap, wrap

It’s like wearing a meringue or the Guggenheim (New York or Bilbao) around your neck.

All three of those images are very pleasing to me.

For those who haven’t been reading this blog for long, I invite you to travel back to 2015 to read this post, which I still think is one of my funniest.

Come closer to the meringue

I invite you in to take a look and give you a photo that barely shows a thing. Here, allow me to make amends.

It was a half-hearted invitation

This is a full-throated (protected throat) invitation.

Also inviting you to note the pale pink stripes and metallic threads in the scarf.

Scarf in slo-mo, high def

While you are inside my personal space, take a moment to look at the genius (JCrew’s, not mine) of this bag. Glitter-finished leather bag with natural vachetta handle. A perfect pairing of luxe and naive.

Hot darn! Am realizing handle is not showing in this photo; scroll up or read this post

Finishing things off, I remembered to wear a bracelet. I remembered this bracelet because the fabric reminds me of the patterns on this cuff.

Fished from the jewelry drawer, which has sunk into a state of chaos

This is what my husband does when I am out of town?

I was out of town a few weekends ago. When I returned, I asked The Photographer how he had spent his time while I was away. I was in for a shock. He left the room and came back holding a small bowl.

Knock me over with a feather.

This is what he gets up to when I am away? So cute it’s killing me.

He has combined Valentine’s Day with Easter

Drumroll! We have three winners from the most recent Directrice contest. I loved all of your comments — I always do. In the category of Original Material: SM and Kim. I could not choose. In the Category of Adapted Material: SS, who offered a timely Wordsworth. Prizes still TBD, but it’s about the honor, not the bling.

There will be more posts this week! Don’t miss any. Monday’s post is here.

Top: Kitagi from YOOX; Blouse: Talbots; Khakis: Banana Republic; Shoes: Rebecca Minkoff: Bag: The Disco Ball (from JCrew)

7 thoughts on “Return of the Party Dress as Top”

  1. The outfit is cute and cozy all at once. It is the egg coloring and your comments concerning your husband’s activity while you were away that have amused me.

  2. I’m thinking about how I would get away with this layering fiesta under a jacket/blazer/cardigan… I think I can!

  3. A long time ago (it seems, anyway) I asked about this tops sizing but failed to purchase it. It shows up in the side bar advertising of various websites, in that stalkerish way ads follow our searches. Perhaps it’s time?

  4. The layering is great and my favorite asides were the eggs and that absolutely hit-out-of-the-park bracelet. You’re right, it matches the fabric! Wearing a scarf in that way is very pretty.


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