The vernal equinox is upon us, which means it’s time to start transitioning to spring.
I find the winter-spring transition much harder than the transition from summer to fall. This may be because the rhythm of the school year is so deeply ingrained that muscle memory helps me get dressed in October. (I love sweater weather.) But March and April in Washington D.C. can be chilly, and therefore challenging; the trick is wearing clothes that look lighter but still provide some warmth. I will wear long sleeves and even boots, but lighter colors — like this:
I bought this jacket years ago and despite the fact that it’s short-sleeved, metallic, and patterned, it’s very useful. Perhaps I have it all wrong, and the jacket is useful because of these qualities. It can be worn over a sleeveless dress or a blouse. It would probably also look cute with wide-legged trousers. But not skinny pants which would be too . . . matador. (Note to self: Halloween!) In addition to the buttoned tabs on the sleeves, it had tabs on the back that adjusted with a square buckle. The tab back was pointless and struck me as one embellishment too many, so I asked a tailor to remove it.

The cherry blossom peak is (supposedly) just three weeks away! Perhaps I will exert myself and take a photo on location.
Jacket: Vera Wang Lavender Label; Blouse: Talbot Wrinkle-Resistant Poplin Shirt; Skirt: JCrew; Boots: Kenneth Cole: Watch: Michele Serein 16
The power of suggestion…..after viewing many of your cardigans, I found myself, on a recent shopping excursion, drawn to the sweater rack! And I was successful. I purchased a lovely Spring cardigan! It has a pleated fabric back WITH a small ribbon bow securing the pleat! I’m now packing for a trip & plan to review my belt drawer next, it may also need some refreshing!