Stripe Makes Right Again

  Stripes are always right, right? We’ve talked about horizontally striped jerseys, vertically striped shirts and tops, and pinstriped pants in all seasons. But blue and white stripes seem especially right to me in the summer. Agree? Disagree? Remember this dramatic shirt, previously seen here, here, and here?   It’s seen today with cropped white … Read more

Song of Staples, Part I

  Realizing, as I did last week, that some of the things that I consider staples have not been commonly accepted as wardrobe basics (“Ten Things Every Woman Must Have in Her Closet!”), I thought I would start building the case for them.   If I do my job well — and I am a … Read more

It’s The Sub-Atomic Things

  I’ve published a few posts devoted to “the little things” — the small details that complete — nay, elevate — an outfit from good to great. Or perhaps even from great to sublime. Do you see the sub-atomic detail in this outfit?     * The prize is the satisfaction of being correct.

Catch a Rogue Wave

  In this post, two pandemic conditions are going to join forces and create a sartorial rogue wave. Come closer and take a look at the fabric, which I really love.   And speaking of Zoom, should I call a Zoom meeting of The Directorate? If you’d like to participate later this month, post a … Read more

Piled On

  Do you remember when you were little, the fun of a dress-up box? A big piece of the fun is wearing as many things as you can at one time.   For those looking to spend (invest) an hour on this blog, I recommend 2019. I think it was my best year.

The Best Jacket

  Perhaps if we try to think about dressing for work at home in a more positive mindset, we’ll feel better about it.   Pan-dressing: The Power and the Glory!   I feel better already. You can see in these photos that the back of the jacket is a little longer than the front. I … Read more

Zoom Hero

  Hello, hello!   I’ve been missing you terribly, but somehow unable to open my laptop and start typing. The combined forces of election anxiety and pandemic despair annexed the small part of my brain reserved for creative efforts and my heart didn’t have the power to compensate. I realize that one could fairly say, … Read more

First Place Summer Fun Dress

  I told you that I bought two dresses to bring a little cheer into my WFH habitat. The one I showed you last week was the understated dress. Look at these sleeves! Have you ever seen anything as wonderful and ridiculous? On me?   Dress: Ulla Johnson Juniper Dress; Shoes: The Sandals of the … Read more

Not Easily Ruffled

  One of my colleagues wore a necklace to a Zoom practice group meeting* this week. I was so impressed that I put on a belt the next day. First time I’d worn a belt since I began working remotely. Rounding things out, a pair of absurd platform shoes. I think it’s important to wear … Read more

Felt Jewelry

  Can one have multiple obsessions? Or is that impossible? Spreading one’s attention over several obsessions would seem certain to dilute thoses obsessions to interests. But as the tennis fans among you know, John McEnroe did refer to multiple nemeses (and the fact of having more than one nemesis) with no such sense of limitation … Read more