Green is my favorite color and I like it in almost every shade — except mint and sage . . . which seems a little funny because I love mint and sage as flavors. You may remember my fondness for acidic greens?
This fall I am craving different, clearer greens. I’ve also been looking for a slightly slouchy (but not too slouchy) sweater.
Et voila! I found this slouchy fern green sweater on Shopbop.
It’s a little bulky, but not overwhelmingly so, and the yarn is a wool/cotton mix, which has all the best properties of wool without being scratchy.
This sweater is pieced, meaning it was fabricated in sections that have been sewn together. The ribbing is diagonal on the shoulders, vertical on the front and back, and horizontal on the sides and the hem is . . . articulated. Altogether, it calls to mind medieval armor, no?

My husband and I were recently discussing the filmography (not a word) of Sean Bean: how many films he’s made wearing a suit of armor and whether he feels he’s been typecast. I hope not; he’s been quite versatile in his armor, playing armor-wearing heroes and armor-wearing villains, and at least one armor-wearing character who was somewhere in-between (LoTR).
So here’s to Sean Bean, who is so much more than an empty suit of armor — which anyone who has seen him wearing a velvet frockcoat in the BBC adaptation of Clarissa knows!
One piece of administration: I apologize if you’ve been receiving duplicate (and triplicate) email notifications about new posts. Very very sorry. The program that automatically distributes these emails, seems to have gone . . . bananas. So I’ve turned it off. This means there will be no email notifications for the time being, but please come visit on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, when I (typically) post. What am I saying? Come anytime! But know that new material is posted M/W/F.
Sweater: Marc by Marc Jacobs; Blouse: The Lady & the Sailor; Pants; JCrew: Boots: 8 from YOOX; Bag: Coach Gramercy Satchel
Directrice – what do you have against sage? Too pale? I’m starting to look at house colors (main & trim) and sage is in the running, so if you could expand your blog to focus on home decorating that would be most helpful!
Sage is a little muddy for my taste (for clothes) — but I actually think it might be very beautiful as a house color. Please provide color specs. As to expanding the content of this blog . . . I can scarcely manage to tell you what I’m wearing and I have to dress myself everyday!
Re Sean Bean: have you seen The Martian? Perhaps the funniest scene involves a protracted discussion of LoTR and the counsel of Elrond, with Sean Bean trying not to look as though he is anything but the NASA administrator he is playing.
I haven’t seen The Martian, but will go with my husband this weekend. Everything I know about sci-fi/fantasy I know from him. I love the idea of the scene you are describing; they should have let Sean Bean wear a suit of armor just for that scene.
There are those boots! 🙂
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