Stuffed Directrice

One last transitional fall look, even though we are a couple of weeks past the actual transition from summer to fall . . . and arguably are moving from fall to winter.

I am wearing black cotton: a cotton jacket with a little sheen to it (and white top-stitching)
with a black floral sleeveless blouse underneath.
The top-stitching gives me pause. It reads “spring” to me, but I bought the jacket last January on sale with 2016 A/W merchandise. I am going to ascribe this dissonance to the label — Comme des Garcons — which has never seemed overly concerned with minute, bourgeois considerations like, “Is this flattering to the figure?” and “Where would anyone wear it?”
full front view
Seasonally misplaced top-stitching wouldn’t even warrant mention if one were listing Comme des Garcons’s deviations from convention

Is the creative force behind the label fretting about whether white top-stitching reads spring v. fall?
I don't think so
I don’t think so
No, definitely not
No, definitely not

Thus, here I am in my ruffled, ruched, top-stitched jacket . . . wondering whether it is better to side with Washington D.C. or Comme des Garcons.
WOnderfully absurd
Wonderfully absurd jacket; I love this silhouette, which seems very Marie Antoinette to me*

My initial thought was to wear this jacket with a striped tee shirt underneath. But then I thought that the jacket, with its madcap qualities, deserved a quirky friend. Poof, poOf, POOF.
front 3/4
left side
Good side

The bad side
Bad side

Perhaps you are reading this wondering, Who among us is going to tell the Directrice that her jacket is two, maybe three, sizes too small?
I know! It’s bonkers, right? The way it’s straining at the buttons and pulling at the vent.
I know it's bizarrely tight, but I swear it's what the designer intended
I do know better

Bizarrely tight, but I swear Comme des Garcons wants it this way
I know it looks absurd, but I swear that I am wearing it as intended. When I received it, I kept going back to the Barney’s website to check.

And this is what I saw. A model stuffed into my absurd jacket.
If I am being totally honest, though, I have gained 3 pounds since I bought the jacket last January.**
Tricot Comme des Garcons Ruched Jacket
Tricot Comme des Garcons Stuffed — I mean Ruched — Jacket

Unexpectedly, it’s not uncomfortable. The fabric is stretchy. I do feel like there is some chance that one of the buttons will pop off . . . possibly with dangerous force.
Bonkers tight
I’ve picked a side; I’m with Comme des Garcons

Jacket: Tricot Comme des Garcons; Top: Rebecca Taylor; Pants: Banana Republic; Shoes: Rebecca Minkoff
* My hunch is justified. In two minutes of research, I learned that this style is called a Pierrot Jacket and was worn in the 1780s and 1790s.
Love the quilted skirt, too.
Pierrot Jacket ca. 1785, Metropolitan Museum of Art
Pierrot Jacket ca. 1785, Metropolitan Museum of Art

** Actually, if I am being totally honest, I have gained 5 pounds since last January. C’est un mystere.

9 thoughts on “Stuffed Directrice”

  1. I love it, and now I hope you also find a quilted skirt with which to intrigue us. But what I really want to know is what The Photographer calls this jacket, or how he labelled it for these photos…

    • Deborah, I labeled it “complicated-jacket” (you can always see my labels by clicking on a picture to see the full-size version, which you should do anyway because the pictures always look better at full size.) But while I’m shooting I rarely think about the clothes as clothes. I think about how to light them and which background would be best for them. So while Tory’s thinking “ruches, top-stitches, ruffles, fabric” I’m thinking “ISO, shutter speed, f-stop, angle, flash direction.” And that’s how the world gets a Directrice posting.

  2. The jacket is fun. And it’s nice to see you in a v-necked top β€” you look lovely. Have you considered wearing it with black pants? The column of color might make it more elegant and appropriate for work.

  3. Well, it’s weird and wacky, and I am very glad you’ve sided with the jacket, rather than with “professional” Washington. Why be staid when you can be ruched within in an inch of your life?

    I would like to see this with a column dress in black. Or with black pants, as suggested by Rhizophora. I love the pointy mules with it.

  4. If I’m not mistaken the Directrice DOES have quilted garments with which to wear this jacket Deborah… there’s a dress in a neutral tan in her closet. I remember trivia like that…

  5. Oh how I love this wonderful jacket. It looks delightful with the flowers! Stripes will be good, too, when you fancy that combination. The c.1785 outfit is exquisite – the shade of that skirt!


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