Let’s Zoom!

  To those of you who responded to my last post, thank you for answering my question. We have a deal! I’ll keep posting, you’ll keep reading, and all of us understand that this blog is just a harmless way of connecting and amusing one another for a few minutes each day. We all deserve … Read more

My Valiant Little Kitty

  Sharp-eyed readers and Directrice scholars may have noticed that Posy was not included among the staff of Directrice Global Industries in our end-of-year roundup post. My valiant little kitty has joined Harper in Cat Heaven where, in all likelihood, Harper is probably ignoring her as she did on Earth. But I’d like to think … Read more

We’re Off!

  To celebrate my fiftieth birthday, we are taking a trip!   After a day of rest and light exploration of our hotel environs, our sight-seeing started in the Cementario de La Recoleta — a vast cemetery of mausoleums with crypts beneath them. This started as a public cemetery in the early 19th century, but … Read more

The Directrice Re-presents: Casual Layers

  Although our thoughts, on the cusp of summer, may be moving away from layering, today’s re-post from 2017 addresses a worthy year-round topic. And . . . there is air-conditioning. Did you see that the New York Times last week reported a recent study showing that women perform better when taking tests in warmer … Read more

The Directrice Endorses The RealReal

  Giving you another glimpse into the savvy that has guided me throughout my life, I am offering an unsolicited endorsement of a company that has no idea that my blog exists because I can’t keep my enthusiasm bottled long enough to monetize it. The RealReal! Over the next month, I will be rolling out … Read more

Home Movies

  You said you wanted to see my selfie-movies. Be careful what you wish for!   When I want to see how an outfit looks, I don’t take a photo. I make a little movie. I think this is much more effective than holding a camera at an odd angle in front of a full … Read more

A Labor Day PSA

  Oyez, oyez! This honorable court is now in session.   It’s a holiday weekend at the end of a season. I would be remiss if I didn’t spend a few minutes of my weekend working on your behalf. OK. Our behalf.   Note: I didn’t spend more than a few minutes, so don’t try … Read more

There Will Never Be Another You

  Though I am not a religious person, I am a bit of a fatalist, which causes me to believe that there is purpose behind seemingly inexplicable things which will be revealed to me at the right time.   For instance, I have occasionally wondered why I launched this blog.   And now I know: … Read more