In honor of The Directrice’s 200+ posts, and of our country’s Independence Day, The Photographer offers some of his favorite shoots with a little information about the technical side of creating the images. Captions written by The Directrice!
I didn’t know anything about photography when my wife started The Directrice. I thought of myself as a word guy, not a picture guy. But I gamely bought a Sony Alpha a6000 DSLR. The Directrice would wait around while I fumbled haplessly with the controls. Bit by bit, I learned what worked and acquired two lenses, a Sony 50mm f/1.8 (mostly for outdoor shooting) and a Zeiss T* 24mm f/1.8 (for indoor.) I learned how to set up off-camera flash with diffuser umbrellas for indoor work. And now I’ve really gotten into it. How could I not, with a subject like The Directrice? And photography is a great hobby for the technology-minded.
This Moto Jacket Means Business (April 29, 2015) — I was beginning to understand how to take advantage of outdoor light. The Sun is the best light source you can get.
The Discreet Charm of a Shapeless Dress (April 20, 2015) — We shot this in the atrium of the National Portrait Gallery, and the diffuse light coming from above was beautiful.
Back, in Black (June 15, 2015) — Jil Sander, and a kick-ass belt. What else can I say?
Casual Friday: Unworkable Blouse ISO Smock-like Jacket (May 22, 2015) — She looked so adorable. Also, I learned how to use our building as a kind of giant reflector.
A Navy Suit with a White Blouse (September 9, 2015) — I liked the camera angles on this one, as well as her expressions. I over-saturated the colors a bit though. I’ve gotten more restrained as I learn to trust the camera to do its thing.
Directrice Everdeen (November 16, 2015) — I loved the painterly “bokeh” effect that came from using a very shallow depth of field. The fall colors made a marvelous out-of-focus background.

A Most Uncasual Friday (August 28, 2015) — She looked so elegant in this formal business suit. I saw her in suits like this when we started dating, which made me think, “If I ever screw this up I’m dead meat.” Dating a lawyer is a bit like getting to know a friendly shark.
Tip-Top (August 19, 2015) — She looked so elegant, and the fabric is beautiful when photographed close-up.
Casual Friday: An Embellished Jacket (October 23rd, 2015) — I loved the causal, unposed look of that first photograph, and all the glittery interesting detail on the sleeves. I had to smooth-talk The Directrice into that location and shot. We don’t always agree on which photos should be used.
The Invisible Woman Suit (October 19, 2015) — An experiment in portrait shooting. I was getting the hang of golden-hour photography.
The Directrice Takes the Air (December 30, 2015) — The trees were bare but the temperature was springlike, giving the scene a spare but beautiful light. Golden-hour shooting in the winter is tough because the sun is in optimal position for only about half an hour. I also really enjoyed the Anxious Mouse shot.
The Whole Peacock (February 29, 2016) — Starting to get the hang of indoor off-camera flash photography. I love teal, a color The Directrice seldom wears. If it were up to me she’d wear teal every day.
The Lighter Side of Dark (March 28, 2016) — I took these shots with an insanely expensive and heavy 35mm Zeiss Distagon T* lens. Rented, not bought. The crispness and detail of the shots was wonderful. I usually have to touch up Directrice photos a bit to bring out the highlights in her hair. Not with this lens. Maybe someday I’ll own a Distagon.
Top Hat (January 8, 2016) — I talked The Directrice into taking shots against the extremely busy background of a playground, reassuring her that I could fuzz it out with a bokeh effect. It worked out pretty well. Best part of the post, though: “Donāt stress about how, exactly, the beret is sitting on your head. The beret knows what to do.”
I Can See Clearly Now (January 29, 2016) — I don’t often get to do portrait shots of The Directrice, but this eyeglass-focused entry gave me the chance.
Use What You Have (May 2, 2016) — Sooo romantic, with the sun shining through her hair from behind and illuminating the threads of her dress. It was spring!
Marled on Marled (February 16, 2016) — An experiment in shooting with off-camera flash to the side. I like how the red came out. Also, some excellent horsing around.
A Workman-Like Effort (March 30, 2016) — Another shoot with that incredible Distagon lens. You see what I mean? Also, that blouse would look perfectly in place in a Star Trek movie.

No, I mean Star Trek! Star Wars is set in a grimy, feudalist, authoritarian universe. Star Trek depicts a future filled with reason and beauty, and that’s the one in which you belong.
Warm regards and best wishes from The Photographer and Tory for a wonderful holiday weekend.
Let’s hear it for The Photographer! This blog couldn’t exist without him, and it wouldn’t exist but for him — because he convinced me to let the site go live months after it was designed and populated. While the allure of electronics and gadgetry (and the weird authority that comes with holding a large camera in public) may have piqued his interest initially, he has applied himself to learn a new art. His skills as a photographer at this point have grown far beyond my modest needs, but I still get the benefits of his beautiful work!
Love it, Dear Directrice; you are both so interesting and witty, I only wish I could know you in person! You must be great friends to have. Yours is by far my favorite blog because of your unique approach and your sense of fun. I also applaud the Photographer’s technical skills (and writing; I enjoyed his book), and his evolving sense of fashion. Have a wonderful holiday weekend!
His work always seemed very professional to me thus, I assumed it was not a hobby. On many levels, you are both quite lucky indeed. He is a true romantic with his loving gaze upon you, Tory. And your beauty echoes the happiness of your beyond the camera relationship. I had guessed you at a young 30 ish lawyer and the sweetness of expression a result of life happily lived. It’s reassuring to the elders among us that when life does smile on you, you easily give credit to those who love you thoroughly. Have fun and enjoy the complexities of fashion plus photography. The results of your dual effort are great good fun to the rest of us along for the ride. Kate
Kate — This is such a generous and thoughtful comment. I have been lucky in life. This blog is a lark (What a lark! What a plunge!) in the midst of that good fortune and has introduced me (in quasi-anonymous, virtual fashion) to so many smart, funny, thoughtful women. I always love reading these comments because they reflect such intelligent and distinct voices. It’s comforting to think of these voices all across the country, in England, Ireland, Australia, Canada, Germany, Spain, . . . .
It’s hard to follow in the footsteps of Kate’s beautiful words. The only thing I might add is that it seems The Photographer does merit a Distagon. Congratulations to both of you for 200+ posts.
A beautiful love letter by pictures and captions. I didn’t previously fully appreciate the wondrous collaboration that is the Directrice and the Photographer. I had unto now quite taken for granted the technical work, commitment, expense and enthusiasm involved. The Star Treck opinion of the Photographer as to the universe in which the Directrice belongs is super touching. Thank you both for this gorgeous post!
Applause for this wonderful collaboration that brings your creative energies together in this beautiful, intelligent and entertaining contribution to an Internet otherwise too full of Trump coverage!
just so well done! So glad you are enjoying the journey – superb results!
What a wonderful post and gift to us readers. Highly appreciated!
So lovely. But you are not 47 yet.
True, true. I’m just trying to pre-adjust.
What an enchanting post! As someone who knows both the Photographer and the Directrice, it’s lovely to to see this private relationship shared with a caring public. What a pair!
Happy 4th
I”m telling you – the blog is still a highlight to my week! Bravo!
That Star Trek comment is the sweetest. Love is so beautiful. Thanks for sharing.
Agreed that the Portrait Gallery atrium is a no-fail place for photos!